Player Unknown Battle Ground

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  1. Player Unknown Battlegrounds Free

In the game, up to one hundred players parachute onto an island and scavenge for weapons and equipment to kill others while avoiding getting killed themselves. The available safe area of the game's map decreases in size over time, directing surviving players into tighter areas to force encounters. The last player or team standing wins the round. We have released an awesome in-game overlay app that allows you to track your stats, as well as the stats of your friends! Also, when you get killed, we give you the stats on who. Pixel's Unknown Battle Ground! Can't get enough mobile pixel survivor shooters? Jump to the island from the chopper, collect loot and hunt down opponents! Watch out for the shrinking zone, it does major damage! Blizzard entertainment official site. Shoot from pixel guns, Kalashnikovs, multi-barrel guns and more. Why you'll love our game: Team play! Tons of skins Different graphic modes for weaker devices 30+ weapon types In. From the makers of the best-selling PC phenomenon, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS drops players into a competitive survival battle where you'll engage in a heart-racing fight to be the last player left alive. Loot supplies, find weapons and gear-up to take on the competition. PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) (all caps necessary) is a brand new battle royale multiplayer shooter, developed under the guidance of the genre's pioneer: Brendan 'PlayerUnknown' Greene. Get on a plane as one of a hundred players, drop onto a huge island, find weapons and do your best to be the last one standing on a steadily shrinking map.

Player unknown battle ground pubg

Welcome back guys and gals to the Vandal x gaming channel and as you can see the gameplay that we are looking at here is player unknowns battleground now if you're not familiar with this game or, the type of game that this is or the genre this is basically a. Battle royale style game where a hundred people get dropped onto a map and they basically have to fight it all the way out until there's, only one left surviving which is really really cool it brings a very different style of gameplay now the history. To this with me. Is I played our mateusz of battle royale I played Armas through Alma three battle royale and I really really loved it I never got into h1z1 king of the kill for me. I just didn't I don't know there was just something about it that I just did not like well the. Cool thing is the guy who developed this game worked on the battle royale for arma 2 the battle royale for arma. 3 and then also worked on h1z1 king of the kill then decided to himself you know what, screw it I'm going to go and make my own battle royale type of game and what I can, tell you is it takes the best things of ARMA, 2 the best things of ARMA 3 battle royale and the best things of h1z1 king of the kill and puts them all in one game and the game is damn good now it is actually, right now an early release on steam it's. Early access so you can go ahead and buy in and play the game and then kind of help them to develop and find bugs and all. That other good stuff but what I can tell you for this game being early access it plays.

Extremely smooth the game seems to just work very very well even though it's an early axis. You would expect to have some major you know bug killing things going on and there's not. A lot of bad stuff that I can see now yes there is some wall clipping you know some very small things getting stuck in certain. Objects or something like that but again those are, things that are going to happen once they're found I'm sure they'll get patched fixed now why is this game better than or as good as h1z1 king of the kill or the arm of tuna arma 3 battle royale,. Mods well it takes the best parts of all of them so the gunplay of ARMA 2 and ARMA 3 which I think bar none are mattoon ARMA 3 has some very very good gunplay, then the mechanics of h1z1 king of the kill it kind of takes both of those together and meld them very.

Very well the gun. Mechanics in this game are spot on the move mechanics are spot on the things that you can do like. Using a shotgun to blow a hole in a door that you believe somebody is hiding behind is simply something really. Cool to add to a game like this these are things that you would do in the real world if you replace them a, battle royale type of so what basically happens is you get dropped on an island off of a c-130 or airplane you know it's a c-130 but everybody's just saying it's, a plane anyways they drop you, off you parachute in there are several different cities and areas that you can loot whatever loose you find more than likely will help you to, progress to the end of the game and basically the end game is being the last one left, alive so what they do to kind of press the gameplay because if you were to release a hundred people on a gigantic island everybody's going to find a place, to kind of just hide out and not get killed so what. Ends up happening is there is a circle of area of operation we can just go ahead and say they drop you all over the map you can basically, go everywhere you want but when the actual map starts. Getting shorter there's like a magnetic field that causes damage over time if you're in that magnetic field it'll end up killing you so, you have to rush in to the area our guest the area of operation which is this very, very large circle well guess what the circle gets smaller smaller and smaller the magnetic field gets smaller smaller and smaller so it. Forces everybody into the center of this circle, so that they can engage one another and basically fight each other to the death that's kind of how this game goes now there is going to be little areas here and there. While they're under being like an artillery strike and if. You're cutting your artillery strike you are going that you're going to die so you need to get out of the area and. This is to kind of help people camping cities and in camping in certain areas which they know is going to be, a camping magnet and then basically you just loot you go to different houses you pick up gear armor you, pick up weapons ammo healing kits bandages all of this other stuff to help you, win and be the last one standing now I know a lot of people are going to be like oh if this game I'm not. Really sure about it i don't like losing all of my gear and getting murdered but guess what guys every game is, a fresh game you don't keep any of your gear you don't take any of your gear the only thing that you can do is unlock like some special appearance, items and stuff like that but that's. Really about it every game is a fresh game so don't feel bad about getting killed or not being the one to last to the very end now. Obviously if you last to the very end you get a couple of kills you get these special currency coins which then. You can buy appearance items and stuff like that but that's really all you get nothing to give you a, better weapon or any of that other crazy crazy crazy stuff this game suits a, lot of different playstyles whether you want to be extremely stealthy or you just want to run out there and just. Hammer it out with any person that you run into now you can avoid conflict obviously until the, circle gets really really small then you have to fight or you can go you can go in. Guns blazing the entire freaking time if that's what you want to do but. Then you also have to vary you have to remember sound travels when you fire if you do not have a silencer which silencers are very difficult to find they're going to know, where you're shooting from they're, going to try to figure out and then well guess what if there's some guys who wants to go out guns lading he's gonna go look for you and he's an end up killing you or. You're gonna have to kill each other or whatever the case is now the reason why I'm playing this game is, because one I really like this style of gameplay I wasn't really that great in the ARMA 3 battle royale, or arma 2 battle royale because i wasn't really used to playing with a keyboard and a.

Player Unknown Battlegrounds Free

Mouse so i'm going to give it another try and i thought the best thing to do with to play this game because it's. Extremely fun it's very addicting and i just like, that style of gameplay so over the next couple of weeks i'm going to be putting out, videos on this game I'm just kind of showing you what the game is about showing you some hopefully some wins some really good gameplay but you're going to see what it, looks like to be a noob plane, a third person / first-person shooter I am very very noob at a keyboard and a mouse but i do want to become better at using a keyboard and a. Mouse now don't worry I'm not going to, be making the switch over to to PC and abandoned consoles and all that I am a console player I will always be a console player but i do. Want to expand my horizons so i can bring you guys more gameplay footage of different, games and different stuff that is maybe only going to be on pc so anyways guys gals this is battleground this is a very very fun and addicting game, if you have a pc that can run this I definitely definitely can fully back this. Descargar flv player. Network attached storage ssd. Game and say that it is very very good very stable even though it's an early access this thing has a lot of good things. Going for it has the best of both of these styles of battle royale type of games and it just brings a really, good solid gameplay which we've all been wanting for such a long time people who really love to play, battle royale style games anyways. Guys and gals if you like to gain play in the background if you like what we talked about here if you're interested in seeing more of the battleground material. Hit that like button if you have a youtube account police sign and subscribe to the channel, helps me out a ton here on YouTube and like always use that comment section below let. Me know what you guys think about battlegrounds there's a lot of guys coming out a lot of people coming out with some gameplay of battle grounds and all of. It is, just really really fun interesting gameplay let me know what you guys think about this game maybe it's going to be something, you're going to want to pick up maybe you're waiting to see more about it let me know in a comment section below anyways guys and gals as always, I'm van de luxe gaming game on everybody I'll, see you in the next one .

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