Moyang Or Mojang

broken image

Here is the solution to log in to Minecraft on Mojang, password incorrect, or user unknown will be not longer displayed!

1. Go to the page and reset the password! (.. see Image-1 Arrow-1).
2. You will then receive an e-mail to reset the Minecraft password.
3. And now you assign a new password.
Important: The Password must contains special characters and uppercase letters.
For example a Password: TwoNull=20
If you do not enter any special characters, the password change is accepted, but you can not log in with the new Minecraft Account password.
Have fun with Minecraft.
(Image-1) Minecraft Mojang Passwort Reset!

Error! Unknown e-mail address or password. at Moyang-s Minecraft

Set New

Password for MineCraft Account
Change the Password for MineCraft Account correctly
Can not login to Minecraft Account on Mojang!
I have set a new password for minecraft login, but still does not work!
Login to Minecraft Account on Mojang dos not work, why ?

FAQ 16: Updated on: 23 September 2020 07:48

Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news. Is it pronounced Mojang or Moyang?Block by Block:

  • 2API Status
  • 3Username -> UUID at time
  • 4UUID -> Name history
  • 5Playernames -> UUIDs
  • 6UUID -> Profile + Skin/Cape
  • 7Change Name
  • 8Change Skin
  • 9Upload Skin
  • 10Reset Skin
  • 11Security question-answer flow
  • 12Blocked Servers
  • 13Statistics


  • All public APIs are rate limited so you are expected to cache the results. This is currently set at 600 requests per 10 minutes but this may change.
  • For some parts of the API, demo accounts are sometimes included, sometimes not. Mojang keeps changing this.

API Status

Returns status of various Mojang services. Possible values are green (no issues), yellow (some issues), red (service unavailable).


Username -> UUID at time

This will return the UUID of the name at the timestamp provided.

?at=0 can be used to get the UUID of the original user of that username, however, it only works if the name was changed at least once, or if the account is legacy.

  • The timestamp is a UNIX timestamp (without milliseconds)
  • When the at parameter is not sent, the current time is used

Since November 2020, Mojang stopped supporting the timestamp parameter. If a timestamp is provided, it is silently ignored and the current uuid is returned. Please remind them to fix this here: WEB-3367


  • id is the uuid
  • name is the current name of that uuid, it is not the name requested!
  • legacy only appears when true (not migrated to mojang account)
  • demo only appears when true (account unpaid)

If there is no player with the given username an HTTP status code 204 (No Content) is sent without any HTTP body.
If the timestamp is not a number, too big or too small the HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request) is sent with an error message looking like this:

UUID -> Name history

Returns all the usernames this user has used in the past and the one they are using currently. The UUID must be given without hyphens.


The changedToAt field is a Java timestamp in milliseconds.

Playernames -> UUIDs

This will return player UUIDs and some extras.



  • name is case-corrected
  • legacy only appears when true (profile not migrated to
  • demo only appears when true (account unpaid)
  • BadRequestException is returned when any of the usernames is null or otherwise invalid
  • The Content-Type HTTP header must be application/json
  • You cannot request more than 10 names per request
Mahjong minecraft

UUID -> Profile + Skin/Cape

This will return the player's username plus any additional information about them (e.g. skins). Example:

This has a much stricter rate limit: You can request the same profile once per minute, however you can send as many unique requests as you like.


  • 'legacy': true will appear in the response if the user has not migrated their account to mojang.

The 'value' base64 string for the 'textures' object decoded:

  • The timestamp is sometimes in the past (probably due to cached results?)
  • The 'SKIN' object will have 'metadata': {'model': 'slim'} if the player model has slim arms ('Alex?' style). For square arms ('Steve?' style), 'metadata' will be missing.
  • If no custom skin has been set, 'SKIN' will be missing.
    Whether the player has the 'Alex?' or 'Steve?' skin depends on the Java hashCode of their UUID. Steve is used for even hashes. Example implementations:
    • JavaScript (includes explanation)
    • Java (includes sample UUIDs)
  • Likewise 'CAPE' will be missing if the account has no cape.

Change Name

This will set the name for the account that the access token in the Authorization header belongs to.


Upon error the server will send back a JSON with the error.

Status CodesResponses
400Name is invalid, longer than 16 characters or contains characters other than (a-zA-Z0-9_)
403Name is unavailable (Either taken or has not become available)
401Unauthorized (Bearer token expired or is not correct)
500Timed out (API lagged out and could not respond)
200Success (Name changed)



No payload needed.

Success Response

Change Skin

This will set the skin for the selected profile, but Mojang's servers will fetch the skin from a URL.


Upon error the server will send back a JSON with the error. (Success is a blank payload)



Wow classic blizzard launcher. The payload for this API consists of a JSON object containing the URL and variant

variant is either 'classic' or 'slim'


Upload Skin

This uploads a skin to Mojang's servers. It also sets the users skin. This works on legacy counts as well.


No response unless error



The payload for this API consists of multipart form data. There are two parts (order does not matter b/c of boundary):

varianteither 'classic' for normal model or 'slim' for slim model.
fileRaw image file data


Reset Skin

Resets the user's skin to the default one.


No response unless error



Security question-answer flow

This is required to get the skin change endpoint to work in case the services do not trust your IP yet. Player unknown battle ground.

Check if security questions are needed

Good answer:

Bad answer:

Get list of questions


The possible IDs are these:

Send back the answers

On failure, you will get some sort of error. Unless it's a syntax or json structure error, it will be this:

On success:

Blocked Servers

Returns a list of SHA1 hashes used to check server addresses against when the client tries to connect.

Clients check the lowercase name, using the ISO-8859-1 charset, against this list. They will also attempt to check subdomains, replacing each level with a *. Specifically, it splits based off of the . in the domain, goes through each section removing one at a time. For instance, for, it would try, *, and *.com. With IP addresses (verified by having 4 split sections, with each section being a valid integer between 0 and 255, inclusive) substitution starts from the end, so for, it would try, 192.168.0.*, 192.168.*, and 192.*.

This check is done by the bootstrap class in netty. The default netty class is overridden by one in the com.mojang:netty dependency loaded by the launcher. This allows it to affect any version that used netty (1.7+)

Moyang Or Mojang

UUID -> Profile + Skin/Cape

This will return the player's username plus any additional information about them (e.g. skins). Example:

This has a much stricter rate limit: You can request the same profile once per minute, however you can send as many unique requests as you like.


  • 'legacy': true will appear in the response if the user has not migrated their account to mojang.

The 'value' base64 string for the 'textures' object decoded:

  • The timestamp is sometimes in the past (probably due to cached results?)
  • The 'SKIN' object will have 'metadata': {'model': 'slim'} if the player model has slim arms ('Alex?' style). For square arms ('Steve?' style), 'metadata' will be missing.
  • If no custom skin has been set, 'SKIN' will be missing.
    Whether the player has the 'Alex?' or 'Steve?' skin depends on the Java hashCode of their UUID. Steve is used for even hashes. Example implementations:
    • JavaScript (includes explanation)
    • Java (includes sample UUIDs)
  • Likewise 'CAPE' will be missing if the account has no cape.

Change Name

This will set the name for the account that the access token in the Authorization header belongs to.


Upon error the server will send back a JSON with the error.

Status CodesResponses
400Name is invalid, longer than 16 characters or contains characters other than (a-zA-Z0-9_)
403Name is unavailable (Either taken or has not become available)
401Unauthorized (Bearer token expired or is not correct)
500Timed out (API lagged out and could not respond)
200Success (Name changed)



No payload needed.

Success Response

Change Skin

This will set the skin for the selected profile, but Mojang's servers will fetch the skin from a URL.


Upon error the server will send back a JSON with the error. (Success is a blank payload)



Wow classic blizzard launcher. The payload for this API consists of a JSON object containing the URL and variant

variant is either 'classic' or 'slim'


Upload Skin

This uploads a skin to Mojang's servers. It also sets the users skin. This works on legacy counts as well.


No response unless error



The payload for this API consists of multipart form data. There are two parts (order does not matter b/c of boundary):

varianteither 'classic' for normal model or 'slim' for slim model.
fileRaw image file data


Reset Skin

Resets the user's skin to the default one.


No response unless error



Security question-answer flow

This is required to get the skin change endpoint to work in case the services do not trust your IP yet. Player unknown battle ground.

Check if security questions are needed

Good answer:

Bad answer:

Get list of questions


The possible IDs are these:

Send back the answers

On failure, you will get some sort of error. Unless it's a syntax or json structure error, it will be this:

On success:

Blocked Servers

Returns a list of SHA1 hashes used to check server addresses against when the client tries to connect.

Clients check the lowercase name, using the ISO-8859-1 charset, against this list. They will also attempt to check subdomains, replacing each level with a *. Specifically, it splits based off of the . in the domain, goes through each section removing one at a time. For instance, for, it would try, *, and *.com. With IP addresses (verified by having 4 split sections, with each section being a valid integer between 0 and 255, inclusive) substitution starts from the end, so for, it would try, 192.168.0.*, 192.168.*, and 192.*.

This check is done by the bootstrap class in netty. The default netty class is overridden by one in the com.mojang:netty dependency loaded by the launcher. This allows it to affect any version that used netty (1.7+)


A line separated list of all SHA1 hashes.

Some of the current ~2200 hashes have been cracked.


Get statistics on the sales of Minecraft.


The payload is a json list of options under the metricKeys key.You will receive a single object corresponding to the sum of sales of the requested type(s).You must request at least one type of sale.Below is the default list used by

Valid options are:


A json object is returned with the total amount of copies sold, the amount of copies sold in the last 24h and how many sales there are per second.


C# | full API wrapper

C# | full API wrapper with Mojang/Microsoft Authentication

Go | full API wrapper

Go | UUIDs or names to profiles with skins, capes and name histories

Python | Full API Wrapper. Also supports authentication & parts of the Minecraft website

Minecraft Official Site

Python | full API wrapper

Python | UUIDs or names to profiles

Ps4 learn piano. Python | names file to uuids+names file

PHP | Complete Mojang's API wrapper

PHP | UUIDs or names to profiles with skins, heads and name histories

PHP | UUIDs to names

Minecraft Sign In With Username

PHP | UUIDs to names, names to uuids

Java | Almost full API Wrapper

JavaScript | UUIDs or names to profiles with skins, capes and name histories

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